
成果推介‖丁鑫等:《Finance Research Letters 》,Does carbon emission of firms aggravate the risk of financial distress? Evidence from China

来源:    发布人:   发布时间:2023-12-28   浏览次数:



题名:Does carbon emission of firms aggravate the risk of financial distress? Evidence from China

期刊:Finance Research Letters SSCIJCR一区、影响因子10.4、学院标志性期刊)

摘要:Using dataset from 2008 to 2018 in China, this paper explores the influences of corporate carbon emission behaviors on financial distress. The result shows that the more carbon emissions are the higher risks of financial distress. After the robustness tests such as adding omitted variables instrumental variable analysis and excluding special areas, results are still robust. The heterogeneity test indicates that the effect of corporate carbon emission behaviors aggravating the risk of financial distress is more obvious in enterprises with lower operating ability and weaker credit financing ability.


丁鑫,东北林业业大学新葡萄8883官网AMG副教授,工商管理学科会计方向带头人,中国人民大学会计学博士,哈尔滨工业大学博士后。研究方向为资本市场与财务会计,主要从事公司财务决策,绿色治理与财务信息披露研究。以第一作者在Finance Research LettersInternational Review of Financial AnalysisInternational Review of Economics FinanceChina Journal of Accounting Studies,会计研究,中央财经大学学报,上海金融,金融论坛等CSSCI期刊发表多篇论文。出版专著2部(经济科学出版社)。重要参与且完成国家社会科学基金项目(重大项目和一般项目)2项;主持横向课题1项;主持黑龙江省高等学校创新人才项目1项;主持中国人民大学优秀研究生项目1项。

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